About Us

GI. Rendezvous > About Us
Welcome To G. I. Rendezvous

The Awareness Generating Team

GI Rendezvous

GI Rendezvous has been in existence since 2015 with the main motive of academic activities for the medicos and awareness seminars and programmes on preventable diseases particularly for educational institutions (both students and teachers) as well as general public.
We are a team of healthcare professionals who started with this endeavour to promote awareness and education for the masses in particular.
Three major events every year involve awareness for Colon Cancer and Hepatitis and one annual conference for general physicians and Surgeons.

As we know, March is nominated as Colon Cancer awareness month by WHO and we are aggressively screening a documentary on Colon Cancer (in Punjabi with English subtitles) particularly in educational institutions and rural areas.
Similarly in July we commemorate World Hepatitis Day and screen a documentary on Hepatitis C with interactive sessions with target audience in educational institutions.

Our annual conference is a regular feature and has speakers of international and national repute in the field of medical and surgical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. It is held on the first Sunday of March every year.
Apart from this we do meetings to highlight relevant medical messages both as medical meetings and social events.

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